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Monday, October 19, 2009

Windows 7 to be released on Oct 22? Is India Ready for it.

Well the million dollar question is - Should you or shouldn’t you upgrade to Windows 7 from your existing OS (XP/Vista)?

In India lot of people still use Windows XP as their OS. They didnt even bothered to migrate to Windows Vista. Most of the indian PC's come with lower hardware configuration. Still lot of people use Windows 98, 2000 and older versions of OS.

Technically its not advisable to upgrade your OS unless you have minimum 1 GB RAM. Microsoft itself doesn’t recommend any config of less than 1 GB. Then there’s the hard disk space needed for the OS, it needs about 10-12 GB of hard drive space just for itself.

If we see the web trends craze, Windows 7 popularity has picked up in a good amount. But still popularity of windows xp did not decrease it is just in uptrend. And Vista has become stagnant in its growth.

Note: For Corporate Customers Plan to be Off Windows XP by Year-End 2012 — Microsoft will support Windows XP with security fixes into April of 2014.

Windows 7 popularity is more in the following Indian States of Assam, Goa, Orissa, Rajasthan, Kerala, Delhi and in terms of cities poularity is more in Delhi and followed by Mangalore, Mahape, Chennai, Bangalore, New Delhi, Mumbai, Surat, Bhopal, Hyderabad.

Time should tell us how Windows 7 will be received by the internet world. If i search for windows 7 bugs list i get " Results 1 - 10 of about 152,000,000 for windows 7 bugs list. (0.41 seconds)" in Google.

Microsoft has already started working on 128 Bit OS in its Windows 8 and Windows 9 versions.

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