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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

State of the Mobile Web - Indian Trends

Browser maker Opera has released its latest ‘State of the Mobile Web’ report this morning, claiming that there was a huge surge in mobile web usage past September.

Opera Mini's compression technology was introduced recently for both speed and cost savings saved consumers: up to 8.1 billion dollars per year off their mobile-phone bills. And that is just within the top 10 countries for Opera Mini usage.

The top 10 countries (Russia, Indonesia, India, China, Ukraine, South Africa, United States, United Kingdom, Poland and Vietnam) save up to $672 million USD per month, or over $8.1 billion USD per year, thanks to the compression rate of 90% and the subsequent savings in mobile data charges from users’ operators.

To calculate these numbers, Opera looked at the top operators in each country, determined how much they typically charge per MB of browsing, and averaged those figures together. The average cost of browsing in each country was then multiplied by the amount of traffic generated in each country, and the resulting totals were summed and compared to the totals for uncompressed data traffic.

Lets see some stats related to India
  • Page-view growth since September 2008: 202.6%
  • Unique-user growth since September 2008: 61.4%
  • Page-views per user: 339
  • Data (compressed) transferred per user (MB): 6
  • Data (compressed) transferred per page view (KB): 19
Top 10 sites in India (unique users)
  3. (back on the list)
  5. (6)
  6. (5)
  7. (3)
  8. (7)
  9. (back on the list)
  10. (8)

Gmail is back on the list after a 2-month absence, and My Opera is back on the list after a 1-month absence.
Yahoo, which is usually at position 3 or 4, took a big drop down to position 7.

Top handsets for September 2009
  1. Nokia 5130c
  2. Nokia N70
  3. Nokia N73
  4. Nokia 3110c
  5. Nokia 6300
  6. Nokia N72
  7. Nokia 3500c
  8. Nokia 5310
  9. Nokia 7120s
  10. Nokia 6233
Data costs in India (Rs 5.70 Per MB or 0.12 USD Per MB) are lowest among the Top 10 Mobile Usage Countries.

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